Access and Affordability
Attracting the best students from around the world
Dartmouth is committed to investing in the most talented future leaders.
The world needs wise, innovative leaders more than ever. As the global challenges we face become ever more complex, it is vital that tomorrow’s leaders come from all backgrounds.
Dartmouth’s goal is to create an extraordinary scholarship program that will make the College a top source of talent among its peer institutions. Now is the time to take our focus on educating wise leaders to the next level.
Access and Affordability
Dartmouth Eliminates Student Loans for Undergraduates
Relief for middle-income families caps a historic year of financial aid achievements.
Dartmouth Adopts Need-Blind International Admissions
A historic $40 million gift caps a $90 million campaign to expand global access.
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New Landmark Scholarships Honor Dartmouth Trailblazers
$10 million gift will recognize alumni leaders who paved the way for others
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No Loans Financial Aid Initiative
Student loans eliminated for undergraduates from families earning $125,000 or less
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“Acts of kindness are important to me.”
Why Byron Boston ’81 Wants to Create Opportunities for Future Students